Updating your sound card can be very easy, and sometimes very hard especially when you don't know what sound card you have. Hopefully, this article will help you update your sound card no matter what problems you encounter.
To start off, lets figure out what your sound card is, ok?
1) Right click My Computer - Manage
2) Open Device Manager in the left window pane
3) Open Sound, Video, and game controllers
Here you can see multiple devices, or maybe none at all! So how do you determine which is yours?
If you go to your volume control - right click - view playback devices, you should see the default playback sound input have a big green check
(Skip the below step if your sound card is detected)
But what if my sound card isn't detected in device manager you may ask
Well, luckily, I have this program called
everesthome, this program can detect all kinds of hardware that device manager, doesn't have implemented yet, sad

ly. Download the program and install it
1) Launch Everest Home > Multimedia - Now scour through the tree to find your sound card, hopefully its something you recognize,
Another way to find your sound card is to open up your PC case and look at sound card directly, if you still can't find it or its integrated check your motherboard manual it should tell you what sound card is in there.
Now you know your sound card name so now its time for some updating
If you don't have a well known card such as
creative, finding your sound card can be difficult especially if you have the integrated intel cards. Updating should be fairly easy to do, as long as you find your card.
1) Go to
google.com2) Type in your soundcardname + drivers + downloads (example creative sound blaster x-fi + drivers + downloads)
Hopefully the first link will be the model of your sound card and something related to driver updates
3) Dowload the correct drivers for your operating system and run the executable (In vista run as administrator)
4) Now, to see if your sound card is successfully updated, go back into device manager and right click on your sound card and go to properties, then check the driver tab for the correct date! If it is fairly new, congratulations you have updated your sound card!